These are Moko and Falko, 2 of my 6 cockatiels. The name of the grey or the normal colour is Moko, the pearled one is named Falko and they are
the best off friends together. Falko was very young when I bought here, but I do not know exactly how young she was. I still do not know or Falko
is female or mail, I think so, but I will find out with the first moulting of her. However, if she were not female, then Moko would not sit with her
the whole time. Moko loves to discover, when my birds are in my room with me, they start to call to the other birds! |
Falko is more quit, but when you part Moko for a while from
here, they start to call for each other! They both love the rain, ones when I
was cleaning out the aviary and they where sitting outside, it started to rain
very softly, and they both sat with there wings wide open! |
They do not like to be in a bath, but they do love
to shower hahaha! When K.C. whistle then Moko whistles right back, he
thinks that, there is a cockatiel in the computer; this is very funny to see. |
Falko listen with a lot of attention!! They also
like to play with things that give light! Moko even bit of a leg of a
toy insect and then they play with that leg, when Moko has it in his
snout, Falko try’s to take it away from him. Moko whistles
beautifully! They both love to sit on my shoulder, they like the
shoulder before the hand, when they sit on my hand for a while, they
jump up to my shoulder. Falko and Moko both love to give you kisses. |
That is so sweet. And the buttons of the TV control
are not safe for Falko because she like to bite them of. They both
like to bite your teeth, and they also like jumping on the keyboard of
the computer. Hide and seek is a came they like to play, they are such
a playful pair, and when Moko looks in the mirror proudly he thinks: I
am so handsome; I can whistle the best of all the other mail cockatiels. |
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Greetings from Tara, Falko and Moko from Belgium!
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